Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting Started

Hi, y'all!

I'm Bella the Bookworm, and I love to devour books!  My Mission Statement on the right pretty much tells why I'm here:  I'd like to help parents out by giving them a review and summary of books that their kids might want to read.  Although I am a Christian, and the reviews will be from a Christian perspective, these reviews aren't restricted to Christians.  Even if you aren't a Christian, you might not want to expose your children to everything the world has to offer just yet.
My first review will be ready in a couple days, but I wanted to use my first post to introduce myself and the blog a little.
Although I have no little worms--er, little ones--of my own yet, I have been working with children for many years, and have read a lot of children's books.  During my time at a Christian college, I took a class in Children's Literature and a class in Adolescent Literature.
I plan to post at least once a week, maybe more often depending on the lengths of the books.  I'm starting out with some books from my collection, but I'd love to hear from you if you have any suggestions or requests. 
Not all of the books I review will be from Christian authors.  There are many moral books in which good is rewarded and bad is punished that are not written explicitly from a Christian perspective.  My reviews will be based not only on the presence or absence of objectionable elements, but also on how they're used and treated.  So, I may read a book and find out that it's pretty bad.  If so, I'll tell you.
So, not every book on this site will be great.  I'll let you know what I think should be good for kids, and what I think they shouldn't read.  But I'll also tell you why, because in the end, you're the parent of that reader, not me.
I also plan to include some posts about reading or books in general.

Well, I'm off to read my first review book.  Come back soon for a story about a girl on a mountain.

Love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your love of reading with those of us who may not, or may not have the time! I know Bellathebookworm will become a constant at our house :)
